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发布时间:2014-03-22 10:46:55

Name:2014 Frankfurt International Gift Fair

Date:24th Jan.  to  28th  Jan.   2014.

ADD: Germany Frankfurt Exhibition Center, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1 60327 Frankfurt am Main

Booth No:     9.2 K 32


Happy Chinese New year

Thanks your patience and support in 2013, we here express our sincerely thanks to  you and wish you will enjoy the  happy new year. 

Hope our business relationship will be more stronger in 2014.

Best wishes and sincerely  regards.


2014 Frankfurt International Gift Fair2014 Frankfurt International Gift Fair

2014 Frankfurt International Gift Fair

Add:四川省遂宁市金桐路1号    Tel:86-825-2687999,2375666,2375777     Fax:86-825-2652100
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